We are pleased to announce that the 29th Review of Puppet Theaters will take place from the 3nd to 10th of November 2024. in Rijeka, organized by the Rijeka City Puppet Theater.
We invite all international puppetry and children’s theaters (excluded from Croatia and region as they had separated open call) to submit their performances if they wish to enter the festival’s selection. The number of entries per theater is limited on one performance and deadline for entries is May 11th, 2024. Selected theaters will be notified by July 15th 2024. The promoter reserves the right to select shows who didn’t officially apply for entry. Please note that during selection, the qualitative element of the play will be of merit and given the right of priority. The largest number of plays will be dedicated for kindergarten and younger school age.
The Festival shall bear the cost of hotel accommodation, three meals a day for participants, fee 600 euros, and provide a technical support.
We are kindly asking the interested parties to send video footage of the submitted play (via link to the published record on the internet) to the address of the Rijeka City Puppet Theater, and to send the completed application form, technical sheets, photographs, and the short content of the play including actors and authors list.
Info and applications: gradsko-kazaliste-lutaka@ri.t-com.hr
Magdalena Lupi Alvir, general manager
Please use this application form to apply.